Quick + Cute Washi Tape Cards


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    "There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."


    -Edith Warton


    I can't believe it is Day 20! I also can't believe I am sick again. I wish I had something funny, witty, or soulful to share that somehow ties into today's project. But truth be told, my brain feels like a big bowl of holiday mush. I guess I can take this opportunity to send a shout out to my mom who is most definitely in the top 5 world's best grandmothers of all time. I seriously couldn't do any of what I do without her love and support. H and R definitely won the Grammy lotto. She just picked the girls up so I could get some rest. I love you, mom.

    Today's DIY cards are quick and cute and create ZERO mess, which means easy clean-up! Yay!


    Menorah Card



     ** Please note that we participate in the Amazon Affiliate program. This means if you purchase any of the products linked here we will receive a tiny sales commission at no additional cost to you. We only link to products we use and love. Your support helps us keep this site running - thank you!


    1. Start by building your menorah with silver duct tape.


    2. Add your candles by laying vertical strips of washi tape.


    3. Cut flames out of yellow duct tape.


    Dreidel Card




    1. Sketch a dreidel.  


    2. Cut your shape.


    3. Cover with washi tape.


    4. Mount it to your card.  


    Washi Christmas Tree


    1. Lay a vertical strip of washi tape for your trunk.


    2. Build out your branches with skinny, black print washi tape (you can cut your washi tape down the middle to get these skinnier pieces).


    Snowman Card




    1. Scarf: Lay a piece of washi tape from the left side of your card to the right.


    2. Cut out 2 circle shapes from a strip of washi for your snowman’s buttons.


    3. Cut out an orange triangle shape for your snowman’s nose and glue it down.


    4. Add your googly eyes above your carrot nose.

    5. Draw a simple smile shape with a black pen.


    6. Add your rosy cheek.


    ART CAMP Pro

    Are you a private studio owner, art educator, or kids art business?

    We are building an online community that offers ongoing professional training and project licensing for commercial use.

    This new platform will allow us to serve our Pro community members at a more accessible price point.

    Your sign-up will give you access to all the first come first serve perks. Exclusive content, Live sessions, Q+A opportunities, and you will be at the front of the line when doors open for enrollment!

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